1937 -1938 Chevrolet Trunkback Sedan EMS Tailpan
Product Description
This panel fits all 1937-38 Chevrolet Trunkback Sedans. Rolls under the body to the factory seal
seam and extends upward 12 inches. Includes complete die-stamped weatherstrip channel. Full
fender to fender width & includes all original factory features for a precision fit. 18 gauge steel.
Made in the USA.
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Use with Part #17 - Trunk Floor Extension for a proper repair.
 The Trunk Floor Extension (toolbox compartment) is the metal section directly inside the trunk that connects the bottom of the rollpan (EMS TailpanŽ) to the rear edge of the trunk floor, also known as the toolbox compartment. The trunk floor extension will properly complete the repair of the rear body section. Important note: The Trunk Floor Extension also protects the EMS TailpanŽ from road debris which could cause damage from the "inside out". $135.00 |